Mamma mia!
In case you missed it, a while ago I entered a contest on Facebook for a dream cycling tour in Italy called The Campagnolo Experience, which I WON in a random draw. Some Bitter McBittersons out there have been insinuating that…

California Dreaming
A thick blanket of sparkling white snow covers the ground and my thoughts turn to the most blessed time of the year – a time that fills my heart with warmth, joy and anticipation: Spring Training. Being a recreational cyclist…

Anatomy of a Bike Cave
I take a lot of flack for not hating indoor training. Not to be confused with Masterbiking or indoor group training, solo indoor bike training is perhaps the most hated and heinous activity in all of Cycledom. To be clear,…

Winnipeg Cycle Chick’s Healthy Homemade Hippy Bars
You may find this hard to believe, but in between cocktails I am pretty particular about the kind of food I put into this well-oiled* machine I call my body. Nutrition is an important part of training, and lately I have…

Train Hard. Rest Harder.
I love Coach Rick for many reasons, but I think I love him most of all for teaching me the importance of doing sweet fuck all. In the past, I have been inclined to approach my training the way a…

Epica Training – Off the Rails
The discussion came up recently about the particular moment when a ride goes from being epic to being shitty. My friend Hal surmised that it is time related, and that most epic rides are shitty as they occur but become…

Dressed to Chill
Well this is more like it. THIS is badass Winnipeg winter. Since I started this madness that is winter commuting, I’ve had all sorts of people asking what I wear when I ride. Needless to say I am always delighted…

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Ride Some Bikes
Winnipeg winters are one of the few things in this world that actually deserve the word “epic”. Our badass motherfucker winters are what defines us Winnipeggers, and we embrace them like a nice frozen moose carcass. An unseasonably warm and…

Actif Epica – Lessons in Survival
“You don’t have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things — to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap (or chick), sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals.” -Sir Edmund Hillary If I learned anything at last night’s…

Welcome to The Great Indoors
It’s that time of year. You either love it or you hate it. And if you are a non-skiing skinny tire freak like me, the arrival of the winter means it’s time to retreat to the pain cave, suffer den…