It's Giro Time!

It’s Giro Time!

As you are all aware, the Giro D’Italia starts tomorrow morning at 8:30am CDT. If we are lucky, by the time we get to work it will still be streaming and we can use the Friday Sicky’s* computer to watch…

I Hate House

I Hate House

Oh House Industries, how I hate you and your elegant and beautifully executed design solutions. I’ve hated you for a while now, with your always-perfect handprinted serigraph prints, clever housewares, and, of course, amazing catalogue of typographic genius. But after…

Dos for Women on Bikes - 2013 Edition

Dos for Women on Bikes – 2013 Edition

Back in 1895, the New York World published a list of 41 Don’t for Women on Bicycles. It made the rounds on the interwebs thanks to the ever clever Brain Pickings blog and included sage wisdoms like: “Don’t wear a…



I hate to yell. You know I only do it because I care. Every so often I am tempted to go for a ride, au natural – sans casque, like the stylish girls I see on Cycle Chic. And then something…

A Very Special Day. Two Very Special Jerseys.

A Very Special Day. Two Very Special Jerseys.

Saturday might have appeared to some as a pretty ordinary day – at best, maybe Stuperbowl Eve. Here at CycleChick Headquarters, however, even though we were a little sad about missing out on the Winnipeg caravan to Cyclocross Worlds in…

Lovely Bicycle Things

Lovely Bicycle Things

Having a friend with an unnatural obsession can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you have to listen to them drone on incessantly about whatever they are obsessed about – whether it be cycling, Star Trek,…

Shit Happens

Shit Happens

The other night we bid a fond farewell to our good friend and commissaire extraordinaire Colin Antaya. It was fond in every sense except the fact that he is leaving us and moving to Brandon. Regardless, we sent him off…

Calendar Girls

Calendar Girls

Each year, Cyclepassion releases a calendar featuring a carefully selected bevy of female cycling stars from around the world. It includes women from a variety of disciplines – including triathletes, road racers, mountain bikers and track racers – but what…

The 2012 Semi-Official Winnipeg CycleChick Bucket List

The 2012 Semi-Official Winnipeg CycleChick Bucket List

One of my live-in soigneurs was recently charged with creating a Bucket List for school. In the interest of good “team building” I feigned interest and read over his list, which included things like driving a submarine, getting a Shelby…

Lance Redecorates

Lance Redecorates

Ok, ok. I promised myself I wasn’t going to post anything about Lance Armstrong ever again. Ever. But I certainly wasn’t the only one who noticed this photo that Lancypants posted on Twitter shortly after the UCI stripped him of…