Operation Commuter Bike – A Plan Emerges
We interrupt this self-indulgent vacation report for an important bulletin, brought to you by my Attention Deficit Disorder. So I went to my nearest LBS last night for a fender. I came back with a project I am so excited…

An Epic Day of Rest
After the century in Solvang, Ben and I decided (or rather our legs decided) a day of recovery might not be a bad idea. Among other things, this included a breakfast of trucker proportions at the amazing Cold Spring Tavern,…

California – The Arrival
Prologue: My recent trip to California to ride for a week was perfect in every sense but the fact that my day (and often night) job refused to be ignored. As a result, the evenings I normally would have spent…

Toronto the Good
Toronto gets a bad rap. And perhaps, after so many years of being considered (especially by those who live there) the only city in Canada, it is well-deserved. Canadians travelling abroad were bombarded by questions about The Big Smoke, even…