Goodness, how time flies. It’s been almost six weeks since I hit the deck, and I’m not going to lie, convalescing pretty much blows. It’s frustrating, boring, and not without its fair share of discomfort. That said, I’ve been spoiled rotten by…

May Cause Vomiting
“How are you?” “Terrible, actually.” He looked at me, confused. “My arm hurts.” I figured this would be obvious, “I can’t do anything. And my hair… I look like a crazy person.” Before I left the hospital, I was told…

A Humerus Thing Happened on the Morning Ride
Sorry about the title, I couldn’t help myself. Even if it meant giving away the punchline to this entire post. Yes, I crack myself up. As some of you already know, last Tuesday I was involved in a serious crash during…

Propaganda and the Fabricated War
I was happily driving home from work on Friday, looking forward to a long summer weekend of gin-induced relaxation, when a chipper voice on CBC radio informed me that according to a recent online poll, “Winnipeggers don’t seem to like…

Love and Hate in the Time of Strava
My feeling for Strava are… complicated. Probably best described as the paradoxical love/hate variety, unlike the less ambiguous hate/hate I have for unicycles, people who don’t use turn signals, and radishes. Strava is a weird mix of training tool and…

A Giro with a Side of MIPS
I am a hypocrite. In my slave life as a creative professional, I worked with the local government to create a campaign to educate the public about new helmet legislation. I also helped produce a three minute video about bike helmets, which includes important details on how…

Bikes vs. Cars – The Movie
For any of you out there with offspring, you will know that the cinematic experience of a typical North American parent is less than stellar. The early years were promising, when Pixar replaced the Disney Princesses (who’s mothers are all…

WpgCX 2015 – Over the Top
Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes all it takes is a small group of people with some big ideas, and the next thing you know that small group of people has become an army and you are hosting the…

Segregated Racing: A Matter of Opinion
With DarkCross and MennoCross in the books and under our belts, it’s safe to say cyclocross season has taken the stage with all the flourish and dazzle of Elvis in the Vegas years (minus the sequins and fried chicken). Over the…

Playing with Fire
At the risk of sounding like a hillbilly (or Appalachian American for the political correctiles among us), I had more fun at Dark Cross than a twister in a trailer park. If nothing else, it confirmed my unabashed love of…