Day 3
I woke up today and it’s raining. And I’m glad. We were supposed to leave for the Blackhills of South Dakota today for a week of camping, hiking, biking (I was trying to negotiate bringing my bike) and sightseeing. The…
Do these shorts make me look fat?
Being July, it is impossible to be in the company of cyclists without the topic of the Tour de France coming up in conversation. At this time of year we are as unbearable as Star Trek fans during Comic-Con. The…
Sunday Morning
Some people go to church to pray. I prefer to ride my bike. On the open road with the wind roaring in my ears and the clear blue sky all around me, I figure if God isn’t here he (or…
Bottom’s Up
As evidence of the fact that there is nothing going on in the cycling world in Winnipeg in February and March, I am writing this post about crotch soreness. I have been contemplating the need for something to aid this…
You’ve Been Chicked
Being “chicked” (noun) is the act of getting one’s ass kicked by a girl. Typically, the expression is used in the context of sports, and is especially humiliating when said chick is your girlfriend or wife. Now, despite some exceptions,…