Propaganda and the Fabricated War
I was happily driving home from work on Friday, looking forward to a long summer weekend of gin-induced relaxation, when a chipper voice on CBC radio informed me that according to a recent online poll, “Winnipeggers don’t seem to like…

Love and Hate in the Time of Strava
My feeling for Strava are… complicated. Probably best described as the paradoxical love/hate variety, unlike the less ambiguous hate/hate I have for unicycles, people who don’t use turn signals, and radishes. Strava is a weird mix of training tool and…

Segregated Racing: A Matter of Opinion
With DarkCross and MennoCross in the books and under our belts, it’s safe to say cyclocross season has taken the stage with all the flourish and dazzle of Elvis in the Vegas years (minus the sequins and fried chicken). Over the…

Score One for the Good Guys
I usually don’t stick my head into politics (mostly because I heard it gives you crabs), but this week it was hard not to be at least a little curious about the goings on at Winnipeg City Hall. The hot…

The First Cut is the Deepest. Here’s How to fix that Mother.
People say that the birth of your child is the best day ever. These people are confusing ‘having’ a baby – which is very nice, with ‘giving birth’ to one – which any woman in her right mind will tell…
What Will You Tell Her?
This post is in response to the increasing hostility I have encountered lately while riding west of our fair city. Today while out on a group ride, a truck travelling in the oncoming lane intentionally swerved into our lane, then gave…

What were they thinking?
This weekend, in preparation for Italy, I rode my bike 200 kilometres. Mostly on quiet, rural roads, where I found the drivers (with only one rude exception) courteous and patient, giving me oodles of room when they passed. Once I…

Calendar Girls
Each year, Cyclepassion releases a calendar featuring a carefully selected bevy of female cycling stars from around the world. It includes women from a variety of disciplines – including triathletes, road racers, mountain bikers and track racers – but what…

A Guide to Harmonious Coexistence
Mercy. When I sat down to write Glenn’s story, I certainly did not expect it to make the evening news. More importantly, when Glenn agreed to let me show a picture of his butt on my little blog, I’m pretty…

This is Glenn
I guess we’ve known each other for about ten years now. I don’t really know much about him, and he could certainly say the same of me. He’s pretty quiet and kind of reminds me of a young, slightly less…