Life in the (Winter) Bike Lane
If you think it takes a little extra dose of crazy to commute by bike in the winter, you’re right. As if the challenges of fair-weather commuting aren’t bad enough, winter adds a whole new level of danger that can…
Anatomy of a Bike Cave
I take a lot of flack for not hating indoor training. Not to be confused with Masterbiking or indoor group training, solo indoor bike training is perhaps the most hated and heinous activity in all of Cycledom. To be clear,…
A Guide to Harmonious Coexistence
Mercy. When I sat down to write Glenn’s story, I certainly did not expect it to make the evening news. More importantly, when Glenn agreed to let me show a picture of his butt on my little blog, I’m pretty…
This is Glenn
I guess we’ve known each other for about ten years now. I don’t really know much about him, and he could certainly say the same of me. He’s pretty quiet and kind of reminds me of a young, slightly less…
15 Years
Regardless of what you choose to believe, what fight you are fighting right now with your cycling buddies and bike mechanics, these are the sad remnants of 15 years of rampant cheating, as demonstrated in the podium results of the…
Good Fences
Share the Road – a popular phrase bandied about by cycling advocates, commuters and bike lovers everywhere. While it is used with the best possible intentions, these three little words form a statement that is (in my humble opinion) misleading,…
Cycle Chick Joins The Dark Side
I am pleased to announce I have officially surrendered to the power of the Dark Side. I was told resistance was futile. They were right. As you may know, I have been hobnobbing with the good folks at the Fort…
The Good Old Days
The Tour de France in the mid 1960’s were dominated by the French cyclist Jacques Anquetil. In 1964, Anquetil became the first rider to win five Tours, but not without difficulty. During that year’s tour, Anquetil spent the rest day…
Fast Faith
Every Wednesday morning at 6am I ride to Garbage Hill to do hill repeats. I hate hill repeats. They hurt, but I’m told they will make me stronger so I am willing to tolerate the pain. About 20 meters from…