Are you for Riel?
Yahoo! Another cycling event to punctuate the dreary indoor winter! Are You for Riel (yes, that’s the actual title of the event) takes place this Monday (Louis Riel Day in Manitoba) at the Wellness Institute. At precisely 8:30am a bunch of people who couldn’t be bothered to stay in bed or eat pancakes will hop on their bikes for a 100 mile bike ride to absolutely nowhere. That’s right. Potentially 6 or more hours in the saddle looking at absolutely nothing but the guy next to you. I can hardly wait!! Although I would love (no seriously) to do the full 100 miles, with Tucson training camp a mere four weeks away (YES FOUR WEEKS), I can’t take the chance of a pull, strain, cramp, tear, sprain or even a rash from doing too much too soon. The worst things I might encounter will likely be a bad case of boredom and some crotch soreness. Speaking of, I’ve been meaning to try out one of the special saddle creams out there. Apparently you butter your butt and bits up like a Thanksgiving turkey and this will help minimize saddle soreness. I can see this would possibly cut down on some friction, but I’m not sure the gross factor is worth it. I’ll keep you posted. Until then, keep it Riel.