Menno Cross

So I didn’t quite make the cross race last weekend as originally planned. Cycle Chick had to take a brief hiatus and assume her evil alter ego, Laundry Chick. Stupid laundry.

But this Saturday, I will be out (so consider yourselves warned) to race my first official cyclocross race at Menno Cross, an annual cross race held at the Canadian Mennonite University on Grant Avenue. Since Mennonites are typically pacifists, I thought perhaps the race would be a gentle and peaceful introduction to competing in CX, but all indications are that it will be a ball-breaking, rollicking Suffer Fest fit for the whole family, complete with a light traditional Mennonite meal at the end. Which I do hope to enjoy considering the high likelihood of losing my lunch during the race.

But in all seriousness, I have been told by Menno Cross alumni that if you do one race this year, this is the one. There is something for everyone, no race licence is required, and because of the generally big turnout, your odds of coming in last are greatly reduced. There is a beginner race (20 minutes), B race (45 minutes) and for the real crazies, an A race (60 minutes). You don’t need anything fancy, a helmet and mountain bike will do the trick. And believe me, when you fall (and yes, you will probably fall) it is hilarious.

Come out and race. Seriously, it is a crazy good time!!

For more info, check out the official website. There is even video of last years’ race, so you can scope out where to fall in advance! See you there!