In spite of the beautiful weather and great location, this years’ first cross race was very well attended. From what I can gather by the preliminary results, around 108 adults came out to brave the sunshine and warm temperatures. A great turnout, no question – but of the 108 adult racers, only 16 of them were women. That works out to 14.8%. In case you’re wondering, this is what that looks like:
Sadly, from what I’ve seen this is pretty typical. Considering the last time I checked (and I do check daily) women make up roughly 50% of the worlds’ population, I think we can do better than that. While increasing female attendance dramatically reduces my chances of winning, I would still love to see more of the the gentle sex come out to kick some ass – even if it’s mine. So let’s all join hands and work together to encourage our girlfriends, sisters, neighbours, wives and moms to come out and race. I guarantee it will make you faster – because nothing is quite as motivating as sibling rivalry, or the fear of getting beaten by your mom.
Let’s see if we can hit 25% before the end of the season. That would be a great start.
I agree. Whole heartedly. My ass could stand a little more kicking. Then maybe we can have our own race. Now wouldn’t that be cool?
If Karlee’s new cross bike comes in and her head is ok( no comment) i think she will race. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend as I will be coaching a speed skating camp in Souris Manitoba from Friday night till Sunday. Best of luck to all the ladies, go kick the boys butt.
That’s too bad Bill, wish you could be there. But we will happily take your daughter. : )
is that a correct statistical representation of knee socks?
As a matter of fact, yes. I was wondering if anyone would catch that. Well done, sir.
I have a biased shutter finger 20% of my posted photos are of women.
The gentler sex? Really?
Thank god the knee socks were on a guy (hope it’s no one I know)
Check out my previous post and the guilty party is revealed. If anybody can pull off knee socks, it’s him. I’d kill for legs like that.
More ladies racing would be good. It must get tough to be in such small categories, that’s not a great racing experience.
Thankfully, even though our results are separate, we do race with the B men. In Sunday’s race there were over 50 people in our group, which was a great racing experience. It does suck though when times aren’t posted (I understand there was an equipment malfunction), so there is no record of how the women did in the overall B race.
Shouldn’t the female figures in the chart have been coloured pi…..uh, never mind.
[…] And finally, it’s race season ladies! In the short time I have been racing I’ve noticed there is an astonishing imbalance in the proportion of men to women, as demonstrated in this chart representing the attendance of a race I did last year. […]