Somethings Wicked this Way Come
As if in some desperate attempt to make me like her again, Not Italy has been issuing forth awesome bike-related announcements with almost the same regularity as Rob Ford issues insincere apologies to the media. First came the announcement that…

An Afternoon Ride in Not Italy
Here in Not Italy we do not hide from shitty weather, rather we embrace it with enthusiasm, fearlessness, and 40 layers of technical fabrics. Not Italy kind of looks like an Ivan Eyre painting this time of year.We rode along the…

Remember Winter?
It seems like only yesterday we were groaning about the endless winter, but deep, deep down, I know you miss it. After all, as long as you can ride your bike, who cares what the weather is like? Join us…

Beers, Bikes, and the Big Lebowski
As we all know, bike racing is serious business. Very. Serious. Business. Saturday’s 24 Hours of Cohens was the latest chapter in the ten-odd year saga of the Nordic Cross, a series of winter races put on by the FGBC that…

Winter Bike to Work Day
Sick of getting pictures of your stupid friends’ stupid feet as they lie on a stupid beach somewhere? Show them you don’t give a shit how many margaritas they had before lunch by getting on your bike and riding to work…

All About Oulu
Back in the fall, I was invited to sit in on a CBC discussion about active transportation (as opposed to the inactive type, where the only exercise you get is texting or (if you’re me) giving people the finger). As…

IceBike 2013
It was way more fun than these pictures would suggest. Photos by Stefan Isfeld, who hates the snow even more than I do.

Yeti, set, go!
Are you sick of riding the goddamn rollers? I know I am. So how about we get ourselves outside and ride us some winter bike races. Ice Bike First up is Ice Bike, hosted by the good people in yellow,…

BarnCross 2013
It’s winter in Winnipeg, which, in addition to being ridiculously cold, can also be ridiculously boring. Especially if you routinely refuse to go skiing. When I think of skiing, I like to think of the handful times I’ve gone west…

Life in the (Winter) Bike Lane
If you think it takes a little extra dose of crazy to commute by bike in the winter, you’re right. As if the challenges of fair-weather commuting aren’t bad enough, winter adds a whole new level of danger that can…