An Afternoon Ride in Not Italy

Here in Not Italy we do not hide from shitty weather, rather we embrace it with enthusiasm, fearlessness, and 40 layers of technical fabrics. IMG_0296Not Italy kind of looks like an Ivan Eyre painting this time of year.IMG_0300We rode along the edge of a gravel pit, a popular hangout for teenagers in the summer.IMG_0303IMG_0309IMG_0308Apparently, they like to jump off that thing out there. Sometimes they die.
We walked almost as much as we rode.IMG_0311IMG_0322IMG_0323But Cricket didn’t mind so much.IMG_0326IMG_0328Thanks Olli for a fun, dirty, badass ride on a day when most normal people were curled up in a chair with the latest copy of 50 Shades of Whatever. Your misses makes a pretty mean pot of meaty goodness. I still can’t believe she let us in the house.