According to my Gemini heritage (I was born Gemini, raised Catholic) I am destined to always battle with duality. True to this astrological flaw, I have of late been participating in both long endurance events and short, fast races. Unfortunately,…

Since I am waiting for my friend to fork over illusive video footage of me getting my ass kicked in this week’s crit, I am instead forced to write about my favorite birthday present*. A Filzer Zephyr Pro Team Floor…

Well I survived the first criterium of the season. Criteriums are crash-prone races that are all about tactics, about wheel sucking until the perfect time you can pull out the sprint and win. Last night I did the opposite of…

This post is for the guy at the bike shop who, tonight when I asked for a specific type of road bike tire asked me “what for?” Taken aback by the silliness of the question, I told him some of…

Anyone who knows me know this: I do not wear pink on my bike. I will never have a pink bike (unless it has a basket on the front and I move to Italy), and often rant about the fact…

Very, very dirty.

I never would have believed it possible, but there are worse things than getting up at 4:30 in the morning and cycling over 200 kilometers. Saturday was my first brevet of the season (second ever) and entailed a long and…

It was a perfect moment. Almost…Parisienne. We were riding cruiser bikes (mine had a basket) through a well-heeled area in West Vancouver. The sun was shining and the street was lined on both sides with perfectly groomed victorian homes, all…

When I was in Tucson (did I mention I went to Tucson?) we visited a tri-geek shop full of all manner of lovely trinkets to spend your hard-earned money on, including this little bobble. The Felt F1 SL is an…

As I was riding this morning it occurred to me that in my last post (Sunday Morning) I failed to mention probably one of the biggest similarities cycling shares with church. Rules. Church (or at least the Catholic Church) is…