Pinarello Lungavita

There are bikes that you need. And then there are those bikes that you just lust after. Bikes that you might not bring home to your Mother, but that you would just love to roll around with for a while on a dark and sultry summer night. Maybe in the rain. They may not be practical enough for a long-term commitment, but they look super hot and are probably a whole lot of fun.

Pinarello Lungavita the name rolls off the tongue like a good puttanesca sauce, making me want to say it out loud over and over again. The only thing that would make me love this bike more is getting a double on it by Pippo Pozzato. In Florence. Naked.

The Lungovita is sexy, Italian and styled after the classic Pinarellos of the 1950’s. It’s aluminum, rather than the traditional steel (which is a pity) and has a flip-flop rear hub which allows you to ride it as a free-wheel singlespeed or a fixie when you’re feeling dangerous. It features equally dangerous bar-top brakes, which I am willing to risk for a chance to fondle the gorgeous head badge.

The tubing is a little fatter than a nice old steel bike, but don’t we all get a little wider as years go by? It comes in a number of lovely vintage-inspired colour schemes, including this one, which I might even consider riding even though it’s pink. But only in a dark, deserted parking lot somewhere on the edge of town.

I would not, however, under any circumstances, ride this one, which looks like a creepy uncle sleeping on a dirty old couch in someone’s back lane. I think the designers at Pinarello had a little too much grappa the night they concocted this hideous atrocity. Or maybe they were just kidding.

The Lungavita retails for under a grand, so while not exactly a cheap thrill, it’s not going to totally break the bank. And goodness knows it’s sexy enough to make your commitment bike a little jealous.

Until we meet mio amore, ciao!

Factiod: Pinarello was founded by Giovanni Pinarello – who, in 1951, won the maglia nero (black jersey) for being in last place in the Giro d’Italia.