MacGyver Saves the Day

MacGyver Saves the Day

MacGyver – (v) 1. To use ingenuity to fix or remedy a problem using only the tools available at hand. 2. To jury-rig. We have a lot to thank Angus MacGyver for. This mild-mannered and mulleted TV action-adventure character showed us…

Jersey Boys, Part 1

Jersey Boys, Part 1

This is a very exciting time of the year because in January, all 18 pro cycling teams release their rosters, equipment lists and, most importantly, their kits. A “kit” is just a fancy word for a cycling “outfit”, but I…

Air Heads

Air Heads

God I love Europeans. Nowhere else on earth will you find people so obsessed with style they can even make bike crashes sexy. In past posts I have celebrated the Italians, the Swiss and the Belgians. This particular post celebrates…

Baby, it's hot inside.

Baby, it’s hot inside.

I have (another) shocking confession to make. But I know you can take it. I love indoor training. Perhaps love is too strong a word. Maybe I just don’t hate it as much as I should. I am also of…

Digging Deep: How Low can you Go?

Digging Deep: How Low can you Go?

I recently did my first official threshold test, which can be described as an all-out effort to determine the average power (wattage) that you can sustain over a 20 minute period. It can also be described as fun-filled 20 minute…

A Year to Remember

A Year to Remember

This weekend marked the end of my 2010 cycling season, both ceremonially and literally. Last night was the MCA’s end of year awards banquet honouring the athletes who have excelled over the race season, as well as the many individuals…

Moving Day is Here

Moving Day is Here

Goodbye Blogger, hello WordPress. I have migrated the CycleChick blog over to this new url, thus abandoning my short yet tumultuous relationship with Blogger. So here we go with a (hopefully) new and improved blog that will eliminate my desire…

Sometimes it’s Hard to be a Woman

“Bike Like a Man”. Good or bad, it’s a mantra I use when I want to bike strong. I recently discovered I may have taken this mantra a bit too far when I overheard a couple of spectators at last weekend’s…

The Sibs

To say I have never been a big fan of exercise is probably an understatement. After my second son was born I grudgingly took up running because I thought it was the quickest way to get back into my “pre-baby”…

Cycle Therapy

My therapist will kill me for saying this, but nothing clears the head like a good old bike ride. No amount of analyzing, discussing or dissecting a problem compares to throwing on some slightly manky lycra clothes, dragging the beast…