The Amazing Chicken Bike
My friend and pro photographer Ian McCausland just returned from India where he shot some very incredible pictures. Not surprisingly, this particular one caught my eye, not only because it is a beautiful shot and there is a bike in it, but it also has chickens. Lots and lots of LIVE chickens. Can you imagine riding your bike with, what…? like, 50 LIVE chickens attached to it?? An amazing shot of an amazing sight. I wonder if chickens are considered “aero”…
Have a look at more of Ian’s wonderful shots from India here. He has a way of really capturing people, and his account of the people he met and the things he experienced on this trip is nothing short of fascinating.
Perhaps they cushion the impact when the rider falls………..
I just kept looking at the one by the wheel hoping it didn’t stick its beak in the spokes…
In China you see entire families riding on a single bike (Mom, Dad, Child, Grandma) slong with boxes and bags. It is crazy. I did like that the Chinese have bike racks everywhere with bikes that you can just take and leave at your destination. No Cervelo’s though….hmmmmmm.