Cyclocross Sunday: From Parlour to Barn
Some days are just too fun for words. Sunday was definitely one of those days, but as you know, I’m not easily inclined to worldlessness. Especially when it comes to bikes and fun.
The Parlour
Parlour Coffee, the hippest café in town opened up at the crack of stupid just so we could come and watch the Cyclocross World Championship. Next to being right in Belgium to watch the race live, I can’t think of a better place to be. In fact, rather than standing out in the cold surrounded by loud and drunken crowds of Europeans, we enjoyed the race from our hip and cozy location, washing buttery croissants down with lusty Americanos and creamy espressos.
The Cricket, true to form, received hugs from random passing females. JP’s hair was spectacular.
The projected internet feed was not nearly as shitty as expected, and the race – complete with Flemish commentary – was very exciting to watch. It was handily won by Belgian Niels Albert, followed closely by six other Belgians. I bet the whole country called in sick to work today.
Sadly I missed the women’s race, which was on even earlier at 5:30am. It was won by the unstoppable Marianne Vos, who was accused (presumably because of her overwhelming dominance) of killing women’s cyclocross racing by a dumbass UCI Spokesman after the race. Like Wayne Gretzky killed hockey, or Babe Ruth killed baseball? What a douchebag.
The Hipster arrived late, frosty and flustered. In the process of moving offices on Saturday, it seems they had come across something extremely unpleasant and unexpected in the alley. He was forgiven his tardiness and quickly served a stiff espresso.
The BarnThe trouble with having a prolific Department of Good Ideas is that sometimes these ideas collide, as was the case with BarnCross which had been scheduled for later in the day. On days like this, we must throw caution to the wind and choose – regardless of the consequences – to observe Rule #11 with unbridled enthusiam.
This particular honey was the brainchild of Butter Belt Champ, Brad the Impaler – who arranged a “winter be damned” indoor cross race at Misty River Ranch, a riding barn just outside the city.
The barn itself is wide open with a sand floor and plenty of room for horses to run and jump about. Or bike racers, as the case may be. Giddy up!!
We did individual laps for seeding, then proceeded with a series of gruelling relays and time trials. The course was short, sketchy and technical – thanks to the sand, some ramps, a couple of horse jumps and a reappearance of the dreaded whoops.
There was no shortage of carnage. And where there is carnage, there is always an abundance of laughter and good times.
The Cricket was up to his usual tricks, finding himself surrounded yet again by hoards of beautiful women.
Our favourite commissaire was also there, and asked me to hold his beer while he timed one of the races. Haha! Silly Colin. It paired perfectly with the beef jerky.
To ensure everyone got an equal amount of time on the course, and that people were appropriately paired in relay teams, the Dark Lord had to do some math – which as we know, is hard. This did not make him very happy.
G tried to offer some assistance, but the math remained hard.
Harder still was the lesson he learned about the havoc the dark power of The Force can reap on the rails of one’s seat. Although said seat seemed inoperable, it seemed he was able to continue to race. I am unable to confirm this as I had to leave early in order to hit Safeway before closing so as not to serve my family Hoagies from Sev’ for dinner. Rule #11 does have its limits.
And at that I hit the dusty trail with my dusty bike in the back of my dusty wagon – off into the sunset of a perfectly perfect day.
…of ALL days to sleep through my alarm, seriously…I’m just thankful it was Chris bringing the laptop.. What a great day otherwise.
It was pretty spectacular. Thanks for pulling Parlour together for us. That was just amazing! Hope you guys don’t have any other unpleasant surprises with your move.
I am happy/sad/happy/sad/happy. I am preparing to head out for a ride into the hills around Scottsdale, Arizona. That is the first happy. The first sad is that I missed the first annual Barn Cross. I’ve been checking out the photos and blogs that reported the fun and carnage, and it looks like an amazing time. The second happy is I’m hoping to meet up with Karlee Gendron in the next week or two to ride. The second sad is I’m going to miss the Active Epica. The final happy is I get to ride my bike every day for the next 33 days instead of being at work. Have a safe and joyous Epica Andrea.
Wow Terry, that is quite the roller coaster of emotion. Not unlike the whoops at BarnCross (which you experienced at Halloween in your brilliant commuter costume). Have a wonderful time riding for a whole month in nice weather. No really, don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine. Not jealous at all. Really.
Perfectly said, pictured and raced there CycleChick! It was a day for all of us Cross lovers to enjoy and tuck away in the ‘can we do that again’ list of memories 🙂
Being a visual guy (and … ‘sigh’ … sidelined from racing for a bit), I will continue to capture more memories through video editing fun. Time Trial Video done: Full-on racing and ‘Hijinks’ videos in process …
The barn race idea came from the fertile mind of The Dark Lord. My mind is mostly full of fertilizer.