Winter Bike to Work Day
Sick of getting pictures of your stupid friends’ stupid feet as they lie on a stupid beach somewhere? Show them you don’t give a shit how many margaritas they had before lunch by getting on your bike and riding to work…

All About Oulu
Back in the fall, I was invited to sit in on a CBC discussion about active transportation (as opposed to the inactive type, where the only exercise you get is texting or (if you’re me) giving people the finger). As…

Life in the (Winter) Bike Lane
If you think it takes a little extra dose of crazy to commute by bike in the winter, you’re right. As if the challenges of fair-weather commuting aren’t bad enough, winter adds a whole new level of danger that can…

A Guide to Harmonious Coexistence
Mercy. When I sat down to write Glenn’s story, I certainly did not expect it to make the evening news. More importantly, when Glenn agreed to let me show a picture of his butt on my little blog, I’m pretty…

This is Glenn
I guess we’ve known each other for about ten years now. I don’t really know much about him, and he could certainly say the same of me. He’s pretty quiet and kind of reminds me of a young, slightly less…

BTWD – A Day in the Bike Lane
Last Friday was Bike to Work Day in Winnipeg: a day in which we celebrate the act of dragging oneself to the office on two wheels instead of four. As a relatively new commuter, I am far from being an…

Bike to Work Day
In addition to being Bike to Work Day tomorrow, it will also be the next stop on my World Media Tour as I once again try my best to represent “Joe Cyclist” in a CBC morning radio interview. Recently, while…

Dressed to Chill
Well this is more like it. THIS is badass Winnipeg winter. Since I started this madness that is winter commuting, I’ve had all sorts of people asking what I wear when I ride. Needless to say I am always delighted…