Milan, Altona and Beyond
After an exhaustive search, I think I have found the perfect frame for Operation Commuter Bike! It is an exotic Italian racing steed, coming to me from the equally exotic wilds of Altona, Manitoba via our country cousins the ABES…

Operation Commuter Bike – A Plan Emerges
We interrupt this self-indulgent vacation report for an important bulletin, brought to you by my Attention Deficit Disorder. So I went to my nearest LBS last night for a fender. I came back with a project I am so excited…

Team Pure
When work and passion intersect, it is a beautiful thing. It all started two years ago when Blake Wood ran over my head in a criterium. To be fair, the whole thing was my fault, and he was a real…

Evil Skivvies
There is so much excitement here at CycleChick headquarters it is almost impossible to keep up. At this juncture I must interrupt my Arizona travel journal for some exciting news. It could be considered related since both are south of…

The Sweeterest Jersey in The World
Happy day! A wool jersey I designed for the Fort Garry Bike Club has arrived just in time for the Spring Classics! Behold The Sweeterest Jersey in the World (the title of The Sweetest Jersey in the World is already…

One for The Boys
After a recent post about the proper way in which to attire oneself while enjoying a bike ride in frigid temperatures, I received a rather interesting question from a reader named Steve. Steve shared some tips about his hemet set…

A Few (or Four) of My Favourite Things
One of the best things about having a bike blog is that people send you all sorts of sweet bike related stuff to read about and look at. But for someone who is easily distracted, of limited means and even less…

Fit To Be Tried
In any sport, there are egghead designers and engineers dedicated to the ever-changing and delicate science of Kicking Ass. Cycling is no exception – every year, millions of dollars are spent on the development of lighter, faster and more aerodynamic…

Happiness is…
A NEW BIKE!!!! Apparently the longer you wait is directly proportional to the amount of ass your new bike will kick. Many more details to come but here are the basics: – 2101 Trek Madone 6.9 – SRAM Force Components…

Loaded for Beer
This could possibly be the best bike accessory ever made. Goodness knows I do not condone drinking and driving, but if you do need to transport your precious beer cargo on two wheels, you may as well do it in…