Be It (Un)Resolved

FroomeA week ago I had every intention of sitting down to write a recap of the year and share a bunch of promises I have little intention of keeping. As I sharpened my gold pencil crayon and prepared for an afternoon of self-loathing, my friend Alex from the UK sent me a picture of Chris Froome with his cat, and everything ground to a screeching halt. You see, the thing about resolutions is that they force you to try to be a better, or different person, and just make you feel shitty about who you are. Why on earth would I spend my valuable time doing that, rather than doing something way more fun, like scouring the internet to find a picture of this Bond villian in a similar pose, with the identical cat. Hilarious!

So let’s forget about silly resolutions this year. Instead of setting lofty goals to lose a dress size and increase our VO2 max, let’s go into 2015 as our weirdly awesome selves, and just see what happens. Who knows, maybe we’ll lose a dress size in the process without even trying. The possibilities are endless.

Happy New Year everyone!