A Giro with a Side of MIPS
I am a hypocrite.
In my slave life as a creative professional, I worked with the local government to create a campaign to educate the public about new helmet legislation. I also helped produce a three minute video about bike helmets, which includes important details on how to select, wear, and care for this miraculous thing that could protect your noggin in the unfortunate event of a crash or collision. One key point I have emphatically delivered to the public is the fact that one should replace one’s helmet every three to five years, after which time the materials degrade and no longer protect your fabulous brain.
And yet, I have been wearing the same helmet for over eight years.
My helmet is a sexy Spanish Catlike helmet that was presented to me by the hubby to replace my first-ever helmet, which I purchased at Canadian Tire on the recommendation of my triathlon coach (may God have mercy on his soul). Nevertheless, when I saw the price tag, I was outraged. This ridiculously expensive new helmet was full of holes and weighed less than a piece of toast. How could it possibly protect my head? My poor hubby had surely been swindled.
As years went by and my knowledge of cycling hipness expanded, I grew to love the helmet, and was hesitant to get rid of it in spite of the fact that it was well beyond its expiry date. It had withstood multiple crashes and should have been replaced multiple times over. Worse yet, the foam pads had disintegrated beyond recognition and smelled like road kill. Another, far more important motivator, was the recent occurrence of crashes suffered by close cycling friends, in which their helmets undeniably saved their lives. In that regard, my old, expired helmet was about as much use as a thick layer of styling mousse.
Helmet technology is constantly changing – most commonly in the areas of style, aerodynamics, and ventilation. Oddly, it was just recently that SAFETY was added to that list, with the advent of MIPS – or (for the acronym adverse) Multidirectional Impact Protection System. It was developed by a cooperative of smartypantses in Sweden, and, from what I have gathered from the limited research material I could find and still remain conscious, is the first significant advance in safety features since the early 1990’s. In fact, many of the changes made in the last twenty five years to improve aerodynamics, style, and ventilation have come at the expense of safety. Lab tests have shown that a rounded shape (like a bowling ball) is safest in a crash, sliding and scrubbing energy from the impact. The helmets introduced in the late 1990’s were more stylish and elongated, with ridges and rear peaks, that in the event of a crash, could catch and dangerously jerk the rider’s head and neck.*
According to the MIPS website: MIPS is a revolutionary technology that lets the helmet slide relative to the head, adding more protection against rotational violence to the brain caused by angled impacts. Basically, the helmet comes with a plastic roll cage that, on impact, allows the head to rotate within the helmet, rather than the brain sloshing around within the skull, which can cause a concussion. I’m told, by next year, it will likely be the norm in all newly released helmets, in the snow, motorcycle and bike categories. Hockey, are you listening?
MIPS has partnered with many of the large helmet manufacturers: Specialized, Giro, Bontrager, Lazer, Bell, and more. After some (uncharacteristically) well-informed shopping, I decided on the Giro Synth. It’s Giro’s top-of-the-line helmet, and has a pleasantly rounded shape that the science nerds would approve of, and fits my smallish noggin perfectly. The helmet, she was not cheap. But putting things in perspective, I spent less on it than I spend on wine in a month. And the difference in price between the MIPS version and non-MIPS? Three Starbucks Caramel Macchiatos, give or take. I figured my tiny head was at least worth that.
During my shopping adventures, I was presented with a number of “women’s” helmets to try on. When I asked what the difference between the men’s and women’s helmets was (I had always presumed our heads were gender neutral), I was told “the colour”. Needless to say I shared my opinions on that horseshit with the shopkeeper, and ordered a regular, grown-up helmet without pink and purple swirls on it. I understand the need for things like a women’s specific saddle. We are, after all, different “down there”. But I cannot support the industry’s relentless ‘shrink it and pink it’ marketing strategy. Make it smaller and make it pink, and the women, they will buy it. This woman opted for a white/high viz colour combo that matches both everything and nothing, but also has the added safety feature of making me visible from space.
So after all of that, does it work? I hope I never have to find out.
The problem with helmets for me is the size, I have a 7-5/8 hat size and oval skull. Yeah not heard about the MIPS, thanks.
BTW in San Diego the helmet trend is floro orange and that green… So you are trending.
Interesting, I was just speaking to someone with a similar oval skull issue, and he wears a Giro! Maybe you should give it a try. Nice to hear I’m cool in San Diego!
Looks like a good investment. I’m in the market for some new noggin protection too, so thanks for sharing your research!
My pleasure. If you visit the MIPS Technology site, it shows all of their partners and associated helmets. Plus it describes the technology way better than I did.
Thanks Andrea for this. My Bell helmet is likely going on 15 years now. It’s probably no better than a robin’s egg shell for protection. I have been considering getting a new one for a while. Your article here will greatly help move that decision along.
Glad to hear it – happy shopping!
Good article. Don’t forget that some of the women’s helmets have a ponytail port. Nothing yet with a man bun port…….
Dudes with Man Bun can use a ‘women’s’ helmet with the ponytail port. Then we can all go to the manufacturers together and tell them to rebrand their helmets: Regular/MIPS/Long Hair…
Thanks for the info, Andrea. Strangely enough, I just invested in a new Giro casque myself. I have found when shopping at MEC & Natural Cycle that the women’s helmets fit me better than their masculine counterparts, so that’s what I’m sporting these days.
– John
Interesting. More sizing complexity. I hope you managed to find one without butterflies. haha!
“Shrink it and pink it”…Hilarious (but also oh so true)!
Tnx for the info, I’ll keep it in mind, next time I’ll go helmet-shopping…
The Giro does tend to fit oval heads better, the Bell seems better for round heads, and others seem a bit more personal. MIPS is great and a great story too, the creators refused exclusive licensing, instead insisting the technology be available to all manufactures. I commend you on your choice-both in writing the article and in the helmet chosen
Cycle Chick, where have you been. Are you trying to fool me in thinking that you have a life outside this blog? Crazy cat. We love you in MTL
Aw, Dominic, you made my day. Thank you. Yes, life has been an irritating obstacle to sharing my random bike nonsense with the world. Thank you for noticing. It inspires me to write more nonsense. Stay tuned, I promise to post something in the near-isn future. So much nonsense to share. So little time.
Un beau gros bec à Montréal!
Great sharp pen and humor !
Bumped into you’re blog by googling Winnipeg Cycling to look up you’re dull roads 🙂
Keep riding and writing !
Youre cobble stone connection
HA! Hi Geert. Glad you found my blog, and glad you enjoy it more than our dull roads. It’s a great place to live, but riding here is…well… maybe not as nice as most other places. On the upside, the potholes and poor road conditions are great practice for cobbles!
Your friend,
Winnipeg CycleChick (aka Andrea)
Andrea, I’m relieved you did not sustain any head injury during your elbow shattering crash. The new, top of the line helmet earned its steep price. The team I used to race for, James River Velo Sport, got two dozen free helmets from Giro about a dozen years’ ago. And I was still using mine last time I rode last week. Fortunately, I have not had a crash since doing a somersault in the Virginia state Road Race championship fourteen year’s ago, after which, I retired from racing. Your two blog entries on the Giro Synthe MIPS, and the elbow crash, prompted me to do my research on the web, call Giro for more info, and then talk to Excelsports, Boulder, and just buy from them the $270 helmet in GOSSY white and silver. The MATTE white, I discovered, gets grimy quite quickly, while the GLOSSY white stays looking new. See what influence, for the good, you have on people! My best wishes, and get well soon. Ted.
Hey Andrea. How did your helmet hold up in that recent elbow crash? I’ve worn Giros for years as they fit my head shape best. Just got a Montaro in bright orange (my client Obsession: Bikes’ corporate colour so it synchs with every jersey, plus it pops out and hopefully catches the eye of car drivers!!). It’s a “mountain bike” style with an adjustable peak which I prefer, even for road riding. We tend to get a bit of rain here in Vancouver so the peak helps keep my glasses somewhat clear! I’ve never bought in to the aerodynamic efficiency marketing hype of road helmets, and find most of them look like collanders on steroids.